Hey now

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Stop don't work too hard on things you don't even like. Do things that inspire you and make you happy.

That's it for my advice kids


Ps my advice sucks


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Maybe all your huge stressful expectations are only the ones you put on yourself. 
Don't stress too much, it's not good for you. Seriously it's proven by things like science and smart people.

Expectations are good for you kids, but don't go overboard. Nothing in excess can be too good for you.

Hey now don't forget

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Yeah just stare at this for 15 seconds.
Are you finished?
Okay now that you have this memorized you can continue with your life.

Keep on wandering kids, just don't get too lost.

Doodling in summer school

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Summer school is over now, thank flipping gosh, but I found a doodle/sketch that I made and wanted to share....

Here's the same picture but edited more because I feel like the first one looked a bit funky. Looking back I think both of them look kind of strange...
Always wear a seatbelt kids.

Sometimes I stop and think....

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Seriously though, as humans we always over complicate things and sometimes life has its moments that just don't make any sense.

Keep on wondering kids!
(I don't know why I keep addressing this audience as children)

about this blog

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I'm going to keep this nice and short:
Basically this blog is just me writing random thoughts/quotes in my mini notebook. I might also include sketches of things, but that's basically it. 
You know that feeling when an awesome thoughts comes into your head and you want to share it, well here I will just write them down and take a picture to share it.
Hope I can inspire or relate to some people as I write these thoughts down.

Sometimes I question...

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Seriously though, Why? I know we need to work hard to accomplish things in life, but don't you feel like sometimes it's better to take it easy and calm down? My message today is that you don't always have to be a try hard. This doesn't mean you should always be lazy, it just means you have do what you feel like is the right thing at the right time.
Rather or not that made sense or not, this is all just a random thought that popped into my head one day.

Stay cool kids,


Write in the Heart Logo/Header ideas

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Hi guys, if you are reading this right now, you'll probably notice that so far, my blog looks like an absolute desert of emptiness.
I've been drawing, writing and planning out my design and so far I have come up with a few possible header ideas. I want you to help me decide which image looks best, keep in mind these are only some sketches and rough images on what I want my blog to look like. It's okay if no one comments on this post, I will just self reflect on what I think will be best for my blog header anyways, the following are my designs:
Is it just me or is the ampersand a little awkward? This is the only one I went over in sharpie.

I have continuously been attempting to perfect this logo/header or mine,I hope you enjoy this fruit of my labor.

You're probably wondering if this isn't the same picture you saw before, but the difference between the two is one is in pencil and the other in pen. Do you think that I should use pen, sharpie, or pencil to create this logo?

Should I keep it more simple and not add any shading? Also is the ampersand necessary?

this is what I'm currently using as a header, but I added in the URL name.

This picture was kind of unnecessary to add onto this post, but I just wanted to show you the basic silhouette of the image I drew.


I felt this could be a more simplified option to all the drawing I had done previously.

So which one do you think was best? I seriously need some feedback, otherwise I'm just going to wing it and hope that all goes wells!


my first day blogging

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Hello to anyone out there reading. This is my first day blogging. So far I have just created the title and web domain, so please be patient and wait a few days for me to post new content. I promise you will be seeing an awesome blog in a maximum time frame of two days. basically this blog will be the entries I write into my mini journals. I already have so many ideas and thoughts, I just need to write them down. After I get my blog all designed and pretty, you can look forward to my own quotes, and typography practices.

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